Are you a marketer? Are you a Smart marketer? Then you must already know that good design can make all the difference in boosting the conversion rate of your site. This article is all about various web design principles that you should use for conversions. I have seen most of the marketers often talk about the importance of social media, creating leads, SEO and yet mostly forget the impact of having an excellent website design. For those of you who still haven’t caught on, let me tell you, having a good web design is not just having a pretty face but indeed a key to actually make or break your conversion rates.
Web Design Principle For Conversions
According to the research carried out by Stanford University, it has been identified that about 46.1% of people feel that a company’s credibility shows through their web page design. Hence having a professional and user-friendly web page is more important than one might think.
Also having an aesthetically pleasing web page is very important. This plays a key role in conversion rate optimization. So if you actually want people to read your message make sure it’s written well and is placed in an attractive user-friendly page.
Here are some key reasons why you should pay more attention to your webpage then you already did:
- You can always be ahead of your competitors and be confident with your site. One of the latest trends today is the use of chatbot technology.
- SEO campaigns can be managed better and without much complications.
- You will be able to provide your user with better user experience- a responsive website has a much higher chance of generating more conversation rates.
- You have a better chance of exposure as people are likely to like what they see and share them.
Now let’s see what are the Web Design Principles That you should use for conversions.
Choose the Right Color Palette
Colour is power! A good blend of colors is essential for creating a strong brand identity. One of the easiest ways to understand is- Imagine if Facebook was yellow and orange instead of blue and white… Yes!!! That’s exactly what am talking about. Once you establish your self you can always add in more colors and experiment.
Keep your Design Simple and Basic yet Classy
Less is always more! This quote works perfectly here. Putting too much into your site can make it look like a junkyard rather than a website. It’s safer and better to stick to the minimalist rule and put up only stuff that you feel would make the user stop and notice. You can go through the Hick’s law for ideas on minimalist style.
Use only High-quality Images
Image is the face of your webpage and the first thing your viewer is going to notice. If your design has to be conversion focused and you want your viewer to stay longer on your page, keep only good quality and well-chosen images on your web page.
Make Proper use of Negative Space
Negative space, also known as white space is used to denote the blank spaces or empty space on a page. Properly using this area can help enhance the readability of your site. Some of the main examples of white space are: The space between the headers from the content, the area between the sidebar and the main content, the spaces between paragraphs, images, etc.
I would like to sum up by saying that, your key focus while designing your web page must be to grab your viewers attention in the shortest time possible. The web design technology is still growing and doesn’t look like it’s going to stop innovating anytime soon, it’s high time to start focusing and investing more into the design of your page. I hope you find these tips helpful, let me know what you guys think below. I will be happy to hear from you guys.
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