In the world of the Internet, people have found many ways of showcasing their creativity and knowledge through various means. Started in the late 90s, Blogs became a popular place on the internet where people started shared their knowledge, ideas, plans, experiences or journals about various things which are then read by customers.
Tips To Create A Community Around Your Blog
In recent times many businesses, organizations as well as individuals have started using their blogs as an effective marketing tool to show and sell their products and have become a major source of income for millions of people.
The Essentials Of Building An Audience
Without an audience or customers, Blogs are of no use. About 2 million blogs are being posted on the internet every day so it is hard to attract an audience and to stand out among the rest. Blogs are a great tool to visually tell a story or share information. One must be able to grow a community of people who reads and interacts with the blogs. It may sound difficult but if someone has a passion and dedication about writing and creating blogs then it might not be that big of a deal to achieve their goal anyhow.
So, How does one stick out from millions of other Bloggers? Things might be difficult at the first but once he/she gets used to it, things start getting inflow. These 3 tips might help or motivate a person trying to engage an audience or build a community.
1.Identify the Target Audience:
In order to have a community around the blog, one needs to ensure that he/she is making a precise content, for the precise few people. It will also be a lot easier if the interest of the writer and the reader is similar. The blogger needs to identify the topics that will resonate with their target audience. The content also needs to be compelling and should be posted frequently so that the audience doesn’t lose interest and forget about the blogs. Creating social media might also help in this case. Engaging with the audience, replying to their comments, doing Q&As, etc also helps in developing a good relationship with the audience and it helps in forming an interactive community. Once the target audience is identified, keep it interactive as usual, conduct surveys/polls, ask questions, invite comments and ask for feedback to keep the engagement secure with the newly formed community.
2.Keep the Consistency:
Once a small community with an engaging audience has been made, the blogs must be frequent and engaging. Post as many contents within a particular space of time. The readers or customers should be constantly updated and given a new topic or content with good storytelling. Staying in a topic and providing great contents through storytelling on a regular basis can also help grow the blog’s community quicker. But don’t feel pressured if the blog isn’t ready and out of the schedule. Update the customers and viewers in social media if the work is delayed and apologize and reassure them by providing information. In order to be more consistent, dedicating a routine time for blogging can help. Routines can help in increasing efficiency and keeping all the distractions aside. Keeping consistency in blogging can help build a level of trust between the audience and the blogger. Also, the content should be related and consistent with the earlier content so that a one time visitor follows the content and not get confused.
3. Promote the Blogs:
Another important way to create a community around the blog is by promoting it. In this day and age, thanks to the internet, there are many ways one can promote his/her content throughout the internet. Social Media are the most popular places to promote a blog. Making a Facebook page can help promote the content as well as keep the audience and readers updated about recent and upcoming projects. Adding social media share links to the blogs is a must. If a viewer loves the content, he/she shares it on their social media which can lead to a chain reaction of shares. That’s the great thing about social media. It is very accessible and helpful at times like this. Any promotion is a good promotion. Also commenting on other blogs and collaborating with fellow bloggers can also help gain some new audience.
Hopefully, these simple tips to create a Community around your blog might help some young and aspiring bloggers to gain and grow their own small community. Building a community takes time, commitment and passion. Beginners should take small steps and build over time. Following these strategies can help him/her become more comfortable and expand further. Happy Blogging!
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